Creating Brighter Futures with Foster Youth College Scholarships
In hopes of making post-secondary education more economically viable for current and former foster youth, the Warner Fund has created the Peter Sherman Scholarship. The scholarship grants awards between $3,000 and $10,000 to help foster youth attend a state, city, vocational or community college or a New York State recognized certification program.
To be eligible, candidates must:
• Currently be in foster care, or have spent at least two years in foster care within the last four years
• Have graduated from high school or its equivalent and be accepted by a state or city educational institution – vocational college, community college or NYS certification program
• Demonstrate financial need by submitting proof of receipt of a Pell grant, TAP grant or other such aid
Special consideration will be given to those candidates who plan to pursue a degree in Social Work, Addictions, Human Services or similar. The Warner Fund Scholarship Committee will select up to ten scholarships recipients annually based on the highest quality applications.